Monday, March 26, 2012

A Grama-Erin Snippet (of long time gone)


metafirearrow: grama!
metafirearrow: hello?
metafirearrow: Erin wants to talk to you
sonjachan: ok
metafirearrow: hi
sonjachan: hello erin
metafirearrow: hang on, Erin will be right there
sonjachan: on your computer?
metafirearrow: Hi Graaama
metafirearrow: It's me Erin
metafirearrow: I get to talk to you for a couple minutes
sonjachan: yep, how's it going racer girl?
metafirearrow: Haha, it's real emo right now
metafirearrow: How about you/
sonjachan: watching the world go by
metafirearrow: Yeah really
sonjachan: uncle's giving you a complete set of ghost in a shelf
metafirearrow: YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
metafirearrow: No way! No way!
metafirearrow: Ghost in the SHELL!
metafirearrow: No WAY! XD
sonjachan: am watching one episode right now
metafirearrow: Oh man I am ECSTATIC.
sonjachan: it's all in my computer
metafirearrow: That just made my day.
metafirearrow: WHEEE!!
metafirearrow: Yes yes yes!!
metafirearrow: *dances around*
sonjachan: okay, man
metafirearrow: XDXDXD
metafirearrow: Tell him THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
metafirearrow: And that I haven't spent his money yet cause I haven't decided what to invest it in. XD
sonjachan: good
metafirearrow: And give him like a tackle-hug-squeeze for me.
sonjachan: how much did he give you
metafirearrow: (Inserted "like" there on purpose.)
metafirearrow: 100 dollars for starters.
sonjachan: really!
metafirearrow: Yeah it's pretty awesome
metafirearrow: I just want to spend it on something really smart.
sonjachan: and your mom says you're leaving on the 25th?
metafirearrow: Yes.
metafirearrow: University of California Davis
sonjachan: do well as usual, okay
metafirearrow: *nodnod*
sonjachan: how about eric, man?
metafirearrow: So I see you've heard about him.
sonjachan: that was some news!:)
metafirearrow: Hahaha
metafirearrow: Well for one thing, he's blown every other guy I've ever liked waaay out of the water
sonjachan: and now you want out?
metafirearrow: I don't want out.
metafirearrow: I want pause.
metafirearrow: That's what I really want.
sonjachan: and you're telling him that
metafirearrow: I believe so, yes, I just gotta figure out howl
metafirearrow: *how.
metafirearrow: I could ask him to wait, you know?
metafirearrow: What do you think?
sonjachan: if it's a pause....make it a real pause ...give both you a chance to find out if this is the real thing
sonjachan: you're leaving too
metafirearrow: Yeah, that's something to factor in.
metafirearrow: But it looks like that's probably what we'll end up doing anyway
metafirearrow: Deciding to wait and see how that plays out
sonjachan: right---
metafirearrow: Is that your seal of approval there?
sonjachan: and you both are smart and sensible
sonjachan: so yes
metafirearrow: Yep.
metafirearrow: Alright, thanks.
sonjachan: where he going to college btw?
metafirearrow: He's going to DVC for the first 2 years (community college) and then he's transferring into UC Berkeley.
sonjachan: he didn't get in rightaway?
metafirearrow:  Nope. He's one brilliant slacker.
metafirearrow: He's the kind of genius kid who doesn't feel like doing work in class, so he never hands in his homework but he aces all his tests.
metafirearrow: Which definitely doesn't make him valedictorian, but I'm just anxious to see what'd happen if he DID put in the hours.
sonjachan: okay
metafirearrow: When his parents heard that I, of all girls, was his girlfriend, they were real happy. XP
sonjachan: they should
metafirearrow: Kind of in the sense that, "Wow is Eric going to work now?"
sonjachan: you're too good for eric
sonjachan: well, okay.....
metafirearrow: Psch, he just needs someone to really really push him and there's no other chick out there who'd probably knowhow.
metafirearrow: Some way or another I got him to ace the 1st sem precalculus final. He beat ME by 3 points.
sonjachan: okay..nice! but erin one thing .... you haven't gone to college yet, don't forget...a lot of time ahead
metafirearrow: Yeah.
sonjachan: go slow
metafirearrow: Which is why I know I have to put this thing on pause, no matter how beautiful it is.
metafirearrow: Yeah.
sonjachan: I know you're clever enough to know that
sonjachan: and how's el mexicano? hehe
metafirearrow: Aww poor guy.
metafirearrow: He's in standalone mode right now.
metafirearrow: Really really my fault.
sonjachan: does he know?
metafirearrow: Yeah, I went up and told him.
sonjachan: how'd he take it?
metafirearrow: Maturely, but I know he was hurt.
metafirearrow: He took it very very maturely.
sonjachan: at least you went to prom with him
metafirearrow: Yeah, that certainly was one hell of a night
metafirearrow: Well!
metafirearrow: I gotta go though
metafirearrow: To practice
metafirearrow: So that I'm not late and everything
sonjachan: okay
metafirearrow: But I'll find a way to talk to you later thanks for helping me out
sonjachan: keep me posted
sonjachan: stay good
metafirearrow: Will do, love you bye!
sonjachan: love you too
sonjachan: bye

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