Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My Grandma Ko


         Anika had fever today.  She had it since yesterday so she skipped school and stayed home with me throughout these two days. Like the energy-full creation that this little angel is, even with a 103 registering at the thermometer, she screams over little insignificant things she finds delight in but creeps back to bed when the fever really overcomes the  excess vitality that wraps her up. Just right now, she lets me sit by her bedside.  She tells me I make her feel better that way... and she, in turn, makes me feel the better hearing this. Now, she lets me read her  a story.  I tell her it isn't bedtime yet.  She says, yes, but she's in bed, so a story must I read to her. I say what about a story without the book. And she says, I even like that better. So I say this is a funny story about your mom when she was just about 4 years old. Let's hear it! - that's from her.

       I try to recall that one day her dad comes home from work and with much affection for his little girl who comes meeting him at the doorway,  he lifts her with his two hands all the way up towering over his head then down to his chest for a full hug.  Doing this, he also says with a lot of emphasis, "Anak ko, Bingbing"!

        Anika listens with unconcealed curiosity then asks what I meant by "Anak ko"! My answer - in our vernacular that means 'my child'.  And I go on volunteering linguistic information. "Anak" means 'child;, and "ko" means 'my' but in that language, 'my child' is said that way - "anak ko".  She nods her head in understanding but with that tentative look in her eyes then picks it up from there - so, what's the funny part in there? Well, I go on,  moments later after dinner, she sees her dad on his easy chair reading the newspaper, and this time she climbs up on his lap, puts her arms around his neck and tells him, "Anak ko, Papa"! And I laugh! But she doesn't. The next moment sees her getting up, moving towards me, putting her arms around me with a "Love you, my grandma ko!"! Isn't she sweet?


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