Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ella Anika - 2


       Anika has become my morning and afternoon, - my day and night, - my thoughts, my emotions, - my

yes's, my no's!  Not that I'm complaining, dear one!  On the contrary, I thank heaven for Anika!  She puts

that smile on my face... she  fills the void in this my life's vacuum....she blocks decisions that threaten to cut my

air... she incredibly points to answers to my questions - at least, those that seem elusive of yes, -answers!

And most fascinating is that she supplies from out of the blue  the music that bespeaks exactly of my mornings

and my afternoons,  my days and nights, - my thoughts, my emotions, my yes's, my no's!

        A lot of details there are for all that,  of course,  but let me shelf them  in the  recesses of my mind   for

the meantime,  and invite you to join me in relishing the music interpretations of a favorite - clavis55, - and

that would be of Anika and me - after the kiss she gives getting out of bed and the one getting into bed.



  1. thanks elise, -because she looks like you, ergo: you're cute! :)
