Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How to Effectively Employ Transitonal Devices in Article Writing

(Thought Random)

You have been assigned to write a series of articles on a subject. They have a word-count and keyword saturation requirement. To skillfully maneuver from one facet of the subject to the next, especially when writing longer articles with multiple paragraphs, you will need to employ an essential tool to be successful. You must master the transitional device. Using transitional devices is part of being a trained writer. You know these words and phrases. You use them regularly in all sorts of work. In an article, when words count (figuratively and literally), their usage can be key to keeping the work flowing and creating a seamless line of continuity throughout the entire work.
Here, in no particular order, are a few of the more common transitional devices at your disposal:
1. Heretofore
2. On the other hand
3. Therefore
4. Consequently
5. In addition to
6. However
7. Subsequently
8. As a result
9. From this point on
10. In summation

This is a very short list. We use these short terms and words frequently. We also, on the other hand, are constantly inventing transitional phrases of our own. For Instance, I used the term "on the other hand" in the previous sentence. I could just have easily opted to word it as follows. We also, in our capacity as writers, are constantly inventing transitional phrases of our own. Both transitional devices move the train of thought along its track. Sometimes it is the unique use of a transitional phrase allowing a thought to segue into another area of the same topic that gives life to the work, and raises it above mere written words to actual writing.

Since none of us, myself included, can be too proficient in our craft, I suggest we all spend a little time coming up with some new transitional phrases on our own. You can take the list above. Use each of the transitions in a sentence. Then, try to find a better phrase or word to use in their stead. The idea of the exercise is to improve our awareness and ability to use transitions both correctly and convincingly. There is no passing or failing grade offered for this work, nor even a nod of approval. If undertaken, and I hope it will be, it should be done for your personal edification as well as for the improvement of your writing skills. After all, mastering the transitional device will improve the overall quality of the articles you write and, as a consequence, possibly increase the marketability of your work.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maira_Sarfraz

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