Monday, August 16, 2010


Midnight, halfway through 2010's August and I finally venture into the world of blogs. I was kind of expecting word of how my ism had managed with today's deadline but apparently things took care of themselves.  Which brings me now to this part of existence.  I have written all my life.... have communicated through the internet a good part of my life... why then do I strangely feel alien to this thing they call the blog? But okay, this is it. Let me just empty my mind of whatever is there at the moment as I recall

a little later of this afternoon when Anika and I walked through the yard. We brought along some chips, water, and milk and had spread our blanket on the grass. She was already a couple of steps away from me, laughing, running, calling as she looked back at me: your turn to catch me, Grama! So I run after her and she screams her heart out in wanton glee and then oops, she stumbles. I get down on my knees to gather her in my arms but she says,  -no, no, your turn to run now.... run, run for your life! She gets up as only a chubby 4-year old would so I feign fear and do run for my life.  For a while. And then we were tired. She was - the poor kid in all her youthful enthusiasm. Time it was to get on to the blanket.  She took in her milk, the water was mine, but we shared the chips.  Then later we just lay down there on our backs and are treated to a visual of a panoramic cloudless blue sky. Oh.... my ...god! I could but say nothing. Just the sight of this expanse of creation in all its pure beauty caught me speechless. Even the kid beside me seemed to share the quiet regard for this magnificence that the both of us let a couple of moments pass in silent awe.

Anyway, reality caught up with us and some clouds started to drift into sight. Anika now tried to make out rabbits and squirrels and even letters and numbers of the clouds. We both lay there for a while until dusk gave us the clue that it was time to go back inside the house. We walked on towards the front door with a feeling of having had had a special afternoon for the day- our little girl and I. I don't know about Anika in all her innocent naivete but I definitely wondered how often do we stop a while in our busy lives to smell the flowers, so to speak. How often is it in our time-inadequate existence do we stop a while to realize in gratitude that our hearts beat for some listening as our eyes see for some appreciating.


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