Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26 - Seconds in Starbucks


        I'm reading through this account of my student who works with the Military - his account of senseless waste of life in the battlefield.  And as I try to escape the substance of the essay - even if only momentarily - I raise my eyes above my computer and find them instantly locked with another pair of eyes that must have earlier been directed at me. So I stare back in curiosity.  But is he staring at me, this guy? Now, I am undecided if he is.  His eyes don't show the usual intent of uncovering the secrets mine hold - intent that I see in other eyes I've met head on. Bit by bit, I am made to see through the clarity of his light, brown eyes that he simply has laid a gentle gaze on mine and yet, they seemed to be earnestly speaking to me. What are those eyes saying, I ask myself, - those eyes that also are raised above another computer. I try to unravel whatever meaning they carry but I can't.  Well, he isn't yielding, he isn't giving up the gaze and neither do I intend to, but - no, this must end. I drop it and take myself back to my Military student and still trying to evade his account of war, I force myself into the grammatical and stylistic aspects of his essay instead.

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